American Action Network

American Action Network is a 501(c)(4) issue advocacy organization that focuses on promoting what it styles as “center-right policies.” It was established in February 2010 by Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former adviser to the presidential campaign of Senator John McCain, and former Republican Senator from Minnesota Norm Coleman,.[1]

The organization is composed of two separate divisions. The American Action Network is a 501(c)(4) corporation and serves as the advocacy arm of the organization. They often run issue ads that identify candidates that support or oppose the policies advocated by them. The second division is the American Action Forum, a 501(c)(3) corporation and the policy group.[1]



The organization’s board of directors includes: Fred Malek, Chairman, Thayer Capital Partners; former Senator Norm Coleman, CEO, American Action Network and Forum; former Senator George Allen, President, George Allen Strategies, LLC; Isaac Applbaum, founding General Partner, Opus Capital; Maria Cino, Vice President of Government Affairs, Pfizer Inc.; Dylan Glenn, Senior Vice President, Guggenheim Advisors; Ambassador Boyden Gray, former U.S. Ambassador to the European Union; B. Wayne Hughes, Jr., Founder and Senior Vice President of American Commercial Equities Inc.; Ken Langone, Founder and Chairman, Invemed Associates LLC; former Senator Mel Martinez, Chairman of Florida, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, JPMorgan Chase; Congressman Jim Nussle, President and CEO, The Nussle Group; former Congressman Tom Reynolds, Senior Strategic Policy Advisor, Nixon Peabody; former Ambassador Gregory Slayton, President and CEO, NRX Global; and former Congressman Vin Weber, Managing Partner, Clark and Weinstock.[2]

Related organizations

American Action Network is related to American Crossroads and American Action Network leases and shares office space to the other group.[3]


  1. ^ a b Fact Check,, accessed Oct 15 2010
  2. ^ American Action Network, board of directors, accessed Oct 15 2010,
  3. ^ Bloomberg, Shadow Parties Share Leaders, Oct 15 2010,

External links